USEC 2012 Program
Session 1: Passwords (9-10:30)
Break: 10:30-11
Session 2: End user management (11-12:30)
My Privacy Policy: Exploring End-User Specification of Freeform Location Access Rules
Sameer Patil, Indiana University, Yann Le Gall, Adam Lee, University of Pittsburgh,
Apu Kapadia, Indiana University
Enabling Users to Self-Manage Security
Zheng Dong, Indiana University
A Conundrum of Permissions: Installng Applications on an Android Smartphone
Patrick Kelley, Carnegie Mellon, Sunny Consolvo, University of Washington, Lorrie Cranor, Carnegie Mellon,
Jaeyeon Jung, Microsoft, Norman Sadeh, Carnegie Mellon, David Wetherall, U Washington
Lunch: 12:30-1:30.
Keynote Talk: 1:30
Ross Anderson
Session 3 Methods: 2-3
3 - 5 afternoon break.