Academic Opportunities for Faculty, Post-Doctoral and Student in Economics of Security | |
Faculty Opportunities | |
School of Information One Assistant Tenure Track and One Open Rank
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MIT Engineering Systems Division One Assistant Tenure Track
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School of Public Policy One Assistant Tenure Track
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US Department of State 2008 Jefferson Science Fellowship Program
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Sloan Center for Internet Retailing at the
US Department of State at the University of California, Riverside Two Tenured Faculty
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University of Boulder CIRES Those interested are encouraged to email
One Senior Director Position
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Post-Doctoral Opportunities | |
The I3P has published the 2007 Research Fellowships for post-doctoral researchers, junior faculty and research scientists.
The Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (I3P) seeks to advance its national research agenda through a research fellowship program. The I3P fellowship program helps to build a nationwide cadre of investigators focused on critical research challenges and provides expanded research opportunities at I3P Consortium member institutions. A targeted goal of the I3P fellowship program is to add depth and breadth to critical research needs highlighted by the I3P Cyber Security Research and Development Agenda which identified the following core research areas: Enterprise Security Management; Trust Among Distributed Autonomous Parties; Discovery and Analysis of Security Properties and Vulnerabilities; Secure System and Network Response and Recovery; Traceback, Identification, and Forensics; Wireless Security; Metrics and Models; and Law, Policy, and Economic Issues. See the I3P Consortium Member Contacts page. | |
Student Opportunities | |
University of Michigan and Wayne State University STIET-Incentive-Centered Design Program The STIET program brings together faculty and doctoral students from the University of Michigan and Wayne State University in research, training, and outreach, through an incentive-centered design (ICD) approach to modern information systems. System performance depends on the strategic behavior of autonomous, self-interested humans; therefore we draw on theories of rational decision making, game-theoretic models of strategic interaction, and economic, psychological and other social science theories of motivation to form a principled grounding for system design. STIET students and faculty collaborate in interdisciplinary ICD research fueled by a weekly seminar series and twice yearly research workshops. Our program provides curriculum, research training and a collaborative research community. Generous NSF IGERT-funded fellowships are available. We also have a new summer research training and mentoring program to prepare and encourage promising undergraduates and masters students to pursue a graduate degree, and will provide a training ground in research leadership and mentoring for our PhD students, called the STIET-Summer Research Opportunity Program (S-SROP) | |
The School of Informatics at Indiana University offers a PhD in Security Informatics Security Informatics is centered on the core protocols and practices of information technology security and its use. The Security Informatics curriculum includes all subjects central to computer security: mathematics, protocol analysis, system and network security. It also naturally dovetails with the span of material pertaining to informatics. Indeed, Security Informatics is security integrated with human-computer interaction, social engineering, science informatics, and information technology rather than isolated from the large economic and social milieu. | |
Optimal Places Graduate Study of Economics of SecurityCambridge University Computer Science LaboratoryCarnegie Mellon University Privacy Lab Carnegie Mellon University Heinz School Carnegie Mellon University Engineering and Public Policy University of Minnesota University of Michigan School of Information Harvard University Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences University of Maryland College Park Dartmouth hosts the I3P which includes the Tuck School as well as the Computer Science Department in studying economics of information security. |