Security and Privacy in Medical and Home-Care Systems

is a workshop affiliated with the


Keynote: Latanya Sweeney, Director of the Data Privacy Lab at Carnegie Mellon University, Appointed to the Federal Health IT Policy Committee

13 November 2009

Notes and Papers coming soon!

Security and Privacy in Medical and Home-Care Systems
You may have missed the chance to attend SPIMACS at the ACM CCS, but notes, papers and presentations will be available soon.

Coming (but not as soon) information on SPIMACS 2010

Formal Program from 2009 here


The goal of this inaugural workshop is to bring together a range of computer and social scientists to develop a more complete understanding of the interaction of individuals and computer security technologies as they are associated with critical care, home monitoring, continuing care and home use by the frail. The goals include but go beyond traditional vulnerability and usability critiques to include evaluations of use of security technologies in homes and in health care. The Health Information Technology for Economic Clinical Health Act, signed on 2/17/09, brings this issue strongly to the fore.

--L Jean Camp

Workshop Information

©Copyright 2009.